Sunday, April 27, 2008

Second Pitch

Last summer the chemically assisted Barry Bonds broke Hanks Aarons homerun record. Whupty-do for him and MLB. More importantly in the world of baseball were the events at Knox Sports Park last Friday night. In the first game of a weekend tournament, and the first game of the Thunder Baseball summer travel season, My favorite player, #9, jacked his second pitch, a fast ball thrown at the hands, over left field wall. A winsome event for a proud Papa and an awesome display of athletic ability.
I don't claim to know anything about genetics, but I have been told that sometimes athletic abilities can be handed down from parent to offspring. I wish that were true for our family, but sadly it is not. I played baseball in high school... I was bad, very bad... and Mom... she would need to Google a map of the diamond to get back to home plate.
It seems that all our young have abilities that we don't share. From a keen fashion sense and artistic ability to musical talents, singing and playing multiple instruments, not to forget athleticism.
An enigma of sorts, isn't it? I'm not bothered by it, actually find it amusing. We must be doing something right because they keep on amazing us everyday.


Anonymous said...

glad to know you're still kickin' down there in sunshineville; Baseball being berry berry good to Basegasket...

Bob the Whiting has my mini-Hog. I think he'll get it running if he ever takes time to try.

get a broadband card for your laptop and blog from the bleachers!

Tennessee Jed said...

I think it depends how you are guided more than athletic genetics. You are doing a good job with your kids, I admire you.

Julie said...

I'm certain you are absolutely right with your last sentence - no doubt you are doing lots of things great with your kids! Isn't it amazing how all living beings flourish when given love, nurturance and support. What great parents you are! And it starts with your love for each other - that's the sweetest thing you said about your wife in your comment on our blog, and you do talk often on yours, about your love and life with her. You are both blessed!

I added your link to one blog and am working on the other - if I can remember how!

I finally relented to Tony he could have a motorbike when we can afford it. You all may have to meet up for a ride one day. I worry, I spent many hours at the UT trauma ward with a friend who got hit by a car on a bike. He spent 6 weeks at ut and six at Pat Neal rehab unit and truth be told, he's still not the same. I couldn't bare to go through that with Tony and see him suffer and the thought of loosing him to something so scary grips me in such fear. But, you can't live your life in a closet being safe all the time and if he wants it that badly, i will support him and probably ride again one day myself. I have quit since my friend nearly perished. Gosh, they are fun though aren't they?